Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Mega Robot Arm Turned into Ferrari F1 Racing Simulator [with Video]

This is by far the coolest thing I'm allowed to say I've seen today. It's a massive robot arm from some future Terminator that's been transformed into a Ferrari F1 simulator... a big one. Look closely and envision yourself in that seat kicking it to some Gran Turismo 5. It's immense.

The CyberMotion Simulator, built at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, in Tübingen, Germany, rides on a theme park-derived Robocoaster arm that can lift 500 kg. But why is it important scientifically?

"A motion simulation system is a fundamental tool to understand how humans experience the sensation of motion," [Robuffo Giordano] says. "By running suitable experiments, one can gain better insights into the cognitive processes of the human brain."

The system uses the robot arm to move people along 6-axes of motion "freely" (versus units using jacks); if you roll, it can even put you upside-down. Awesome, but how long before they're available for purchase?

By Phil Alex

Via: Spectrum